Site Updates8 May 2009 The Bronze site has found its final home at my new domain I am not likely to be making significant updates in the foreseeable future, but the site will at least remain as a snapshot of that moment in time. Although I may yet tinker with it. It's been twenty years since 1989, and Minami Ozaki is still going. 15 April 2002 So collapsed, leaving the Bronze site stranded again. And then came to the rescue, generously offering to host the site. Change your bookmarks, people - I'm hoping we'll be here for a long time to come. 7 January 2002 Moved the Bronze site to its new home at 11 September 2000 Added Book 11 to the ISBN list and the gallery of cover images. 25 April 2000 If you were ever curious about how tall Koji is supposed to be, or when to celebrate Izumi's birthday, you can now look it up in the vital statistics section. 19 April 2000 Koji Nanjo gets his own portrait gallery! Why? Because he's not just a man; he's a multitude! Oh, just check it out... 10 March 2000 At long last, the Book 3 script is available! It covers the rest of Act 3, and forms the largest section of this volume of manga. It's also my favourite part of the whole Bronze story. If only Koji and Izumi could live forever in those moments... but fate grinds on relentlessly. I've also put up a list of Bronze links I've found useful, as well as a new page explaining the story behind this website. 6 February 2000 It's been a while between updates. To everyone who's waiting for the Book 3 script - I'm hoping it'll be ready by the time of the next update! Sorry it's taking so long. In the meantime, I've put up a list of the manga ISBNs, as well as scans of the manga covers. I've also put up a newer version of Bronze Act 2 with some minor edits. 9 November 1999 I've added Book 2 of Bronze to the Commentary & Translations page. It's taken a while to do because it's one long unbroken chapter. Now I'm looking forward to doing Book 3. It's always been one of my favourite parts of the story. 27 October 1999 Hi there! If you've visited before, you'll probably have noticed that this site is undergoing a major overhaul. The most significant changes are the addition of the pages The Story So Far and Who's Who. I also intend to progressively update the other sections of the site - for one thing, I can add more images now that I've got a scanner. I also hope to be able to add Book 2 to the Commentary & Translations page soon. I've temporarily removed the links to the Why Bronze? and The Mystery Bronze Page sections of my site. These have become rather outdated now. I'll be replacing them with something more accurate and current soon. |