It happened almost by accident. I used to be a content little Zetsuai fan. Then the Mystery Bronze Page converted me to Bronzedom, and promptly disappeared as soon as I was hooked. (The full story can be found elsewhere, on the page I put up during the first incarnation of this website. I have since learned what happened to the Mystery Bronze Page, and it now has pride of place as the first item on my links list.) So there I was, all alone with my glossy new manga, and no one to explain it to me. There were a fair number of Zetsuai sites around, including some with translations, but there was nothing that provided any more than a hazy general overview of Bronze. The Net abhors a vacuum. Anyway, I still traced my way through Bronze, ahhing at the pretty pictures, delighted when I managed to piece together bits of dialogue with my elementary translation skills. After a while, I grew sick of reaching for the dictionary all the time. I decided to write down what parts I had already translated for myself, to save having to look things up again. A fragmentary script began to develop, with the gaps in my understanding being filled by my own guesses as to what was going on. It occurred to me that I probably wasn't the only person out there bemoaning the lack of a decent translation for Bronze. My script wasn't an expert translation by any means, but I figured it might be of some interest to others anyway. So here we are. Over a year later, the number of Bronze websites has blossomed. There are sites with plot synopses and translated scans and even a webring. It's a bigger, friendlier world for the Bronze fan, and I'm glad to see it. And me? I'm still around, still discovering Bronze for myself. So that's how this website came to be. Except, well - It seems to me I've told the story of this site, without really touching on the reason for it. And the reason why I made this site is because, to me, Bronze is a fascinating story. I want to share with others all the special moments that make reading it worthwhile. Bronze is melodramatic and quirky and sweet and angsty and erotic and occasionally heartbreaking. Even though it looks like it's going to end like a train wreck, and some would argue it's already gone off the rails, at least it promises to be a memorable ride. ~ Serenade, 10 March 2000